Protected: Family History: Fact or Faux (Part One)

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Posted in Family History:Fact or Faux (Part One), Uncategorized | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Family History: Fact or Faux (Part two)

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Posted in (C:1905 A-I) Benj & Fanny Gaines, (C:1910 A-I) Benj & Fanny Gaines, (Cert. A-I Ben. Jam. Gaines), (PS: 1913 Willett), (PS: 1913) Benj. Jam. Gaines, C:1920 A-I) Benj & Fanny Gaines, census (C), Property Search = (PS) | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: Family History: Fact or Faux (Part Three)

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Posted in (HRS: Willett) 1921 Passport Application, (Ob: Benj. Jam. Gaines), (P: AI-3) Mord. Benj. Gaines (Compliments of M.P.G. Darby), Article: Willett 1915, Article: Willett 1918, Historical Records Search = (HRS), Newspaper search, Obituary=(ob), Uncategorized | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: “And I lived to tell about it!”

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Posted in (P:AI-1-9) M.P.G. Darby (Age 3 & On pony: Compliments of M.P.G. Darby), Uncategorized | Enter your password to view comments.

Protected: “Uh,Oh!”

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Posted in Uncategorized | Enter your password to view comments.